Friday, March 9, 2007

Cancun? Daytona Beach? Or good ol' Chi-town?

So we're about to start Spring Break here at NPTS. I will be soaking up the rays here on the NWside. Nothing special for me, just hanging out here, working, catching up on reading and getting a head start on midterm papers. Anybody have exciting plans to travel to exotic destinations?


Brooke Heerwald said...

Sounds like great fun, Matt! Feel free to venture up to Evanston for spring break anytime :) We don't have spring break until the week of Easter, but I'm taking two. I'm leading a trip to Juarez with our high schoolers for a mission trip and then going to Norway to visit my brother for 10 days. Lots of traveling! Now if only that passport would get here....

Chris said...

My Spring Break, like a good lunch in the LGH cafeteria, came and went too quickly - it was actually last week. More theology books than keggers, more pastoral reflection than toga parties. The closest I got to a tropical getaway was putting up the Hula girl again.

Carrie said...

Ok, so I feel like my mother, but I don't know how to leave a post (just comments). Can anyone help me out?