Ola everyone! Well, Mexico was great fun! Though I have to say I'm glad to be back in the land of clean showers, durable plumbing, and beds higher than 3 inches off the ground. One of the highlights (other than UNC losing to Georgetown--wahooo!!!) was when I was called to the front of a church during a concert we were at to demonstrate some dance moves. See picture. I haven't showered in days and I'm wearing my work clothes, but I have to say, I still look pretty hot ;)
I leave tomorrow for Norway, so I wanted us to start thinking about a possible date that we can all get together when Anthony is in town April 16th through April 23rd. Leave a comment or post on the blog mentioning your availability. Here is mine:
April 16th--free anytime except 5:30-8:30 p.m.
17th--free except for lunch
18th--free until 3:30 p.m.
19th--not really free, but could shuffle things around if need be
20th--not free (junior high lock in baby!! giddy up!!)
21st--Anthony's show, I'm going! In the morning I'm busy, but otherwise wide open
22nd--don't know just yet if I'll be free in the afternoon or evening
23rd--not free
What about you? Let's see if we can't arrange a lunch or downtown filming expedition or dinner or something. Anthony, what does your schedule look like once you're here?
Miss you all! I expect to see a lot of posts when I get back from Norway!
Muy Caliente!
Mon 4/16 - 3-7pm not good, but could skip out of work during the day if necessary
Tues 4/17 - free from 12pm-6pm
Wed 4/18 - Totally open
Thurs 4/19 - class all day downtown except from 4pm-7pm
Fri 4/20 - Morning free
Sat 4/21 - Rocking w/ the Neumatics in the PM
Sun 4/22 - TBD
Hey all! Great pic Brooke! Thanks so much for posting your schedule, I'm excited to spend time with you all! As it turns out it was muy cheaper to fly in on Tuesday 4/17 rather than Monday, so sadly I had to give up a day. I'm pretty flexable, here's the schedule:
Tues 4/17: Arrive in Chicago 10pm
Wed 4/18: Drink Duncn' Donuts Coffee, and lots of it in the morning because I miss it big time. Kona coffee's good and all, but comon, let's progress here people. Free all day except 4pmish-7pmish.
Thurs 4/19: Free all day except 4pm-7pm
Fri 4/20: Free in morning, going to Cubs game @ 1:20pm (YES!), could get together morning before game.
Sat 4/21: Free in morning before 3pm. So Glad to hear some of you can make it to the show!!:)
Sun 4/22: May meet up with some family in Central ILL. for lunch, will be back later in evening around 5-6pm.
Mon 4/23: Wipe tears and fly home listening to "It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday" on ipod.
So I'm definitely at the concert Saturday. I'm pretty swamped most of my weekdays right now. Looking fwd to the rock show.
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