Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kenya Believe It?

Well, I’m off to Kenya for a two week immersion trip tomorrow. (Enlarge the picture to see how far away it is!) It’s the focus of my summer class: Social Justice and East Africa. I can hardly believe it sometimes; it seemed so far away, so distant for so long, but time has a funny way of marching forward. So now this adventure awaits. Five needles and a prescription for malaria pills later, I’m ready. I vacillate between excitement and nervousness, between concern and trust. Story of my life in many ways I suppose. Please keep me in your prayers!


Matt said...

Sounds very cool. Be sure to post some pictures when you return.

Nicole said...

Sounds like it will be a great trip. Please let us know how it goes.

Anthony said...

Sounds like an awesome trip! You'll be in our prayers this week. peace-a-