Hello all!! Sorry for being absent for so long. But I am now back in MN, hanging out at home until my house goes through (hopefully). But I have graduated, have moved, have been to Nashville for a preaching conference, and have been commissioned as a probationary elder in the UMC--wahoo!! Please refer to me as Reverend from here on out....actually, don't. :) But it is fun to joke about, except at parties where people don't know you. I had two retirement parties and a birthday party this weekend and some eleven people must have apologized to me for swearing or using phrases like "praise the Lord" when they were happy about something. We need to change this, or else parties are going to get really LAME really soon! I'll post a grad picture of me and Carrie, and maybe she'll post one of commissioning. I'll try and post some of her wedding when we get back, though I don't know how many I'll take with my camera. This isn't a very funny post, but this might make it funny: in Nashville, on my last night, I told Jenny (my former associate pastor at WCC) that I really wanted to ride the bull at this bar we had been to earlier. So we went and did, and I got rug burn on my back and a huge bruise on my thigh from falling off. Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for me, the pictures did not turn out. haha! a quote from someone without their ID "can I just get in? we're all pastors and I just want to go in and watch them ride the bull." she got in. Miss you all! Come to Minnesota anytime!
I think the saying is, "Always preach the Gospel; Use words if necessary; Ride the Bull incessantly!"
I'm so glad you'll be there to ensure that there is no drinking, smoking, or dancing at Carrie's wedding. You go Rev. Brooke!
Wonder if the Recovery Zone at LGH could use a nice mechanical bull...
If another person at a party finds out I'm a pastor and starts asking me my thoughts on the morality of Harry Potter I'm just going to take my jello shots and leave.
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