Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Request for Sweet Photos

Calling all Chaplains; former, current, and future: If you have participated in one or more of the following in recent weeks, I want to see some sweet photographic proof:

Relocated to a new city and moved into a house, apt., grass hut, condo, etc

Started a new job/Internship at a hospital, church, or otherwise

Traveled to Africa or anywhere else on an educational and/or missions trip

Ran in any marathons, half marathons, or other organized races, even if you were the sole participant/organizer

Climbed the Alps or simply ordered hot coco and lounged in Switzerland or at home with anyone of Swiss descent (I'll accept Swedish/Italian/African/German/Irish/Danish/Other descent as well)

Ran with the bulls, drank cocktails, pondered Gaudy art, or any other activity in Spain

Taken a road trip

Welcomed a new addition to your family

Went Camping

Watched or Played Soccer

Anything randomly summer entertaining such as sharing shave ice with a loved one (see example photo)

Ok, that should cover about EVERYONE. Happy posting!!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace-a-


Brooke said...

I'll start taking some and post them for you all!!

Chris said...

anthony - all i've been able to think about for the last few days is snowcones. mmmmm. sweet photo in all senses of the word.